Childcare Provision

Primary Schools are now required to publish alongside their Performance information a list of their childcare provision making it easier for parents to know what is available.

At Toft Hill Primary School we have thriving Wrap Around Care which offers a full range of childcare provision. Click on the links below for further information:

Breakfast Club

We have Breakfast Club on a morning from 7.45am. The children can participate in activities and enjoy juice, toast and cereal for the cost of £2 per child.

The club ends at 8.45am when children can go to their classes for activities before registration begins at 8.55am.

After School Care

At Toft Hill Primary School we operate ‘wrap around’ care until 6.00pm daily.
From 3.25pm each day a different activity is run by our dedicated staff. Some children just stay for the activity, film night is especially popular. Children then have access to a selection of free choice activities. A snack is also provided e.g toast and juice.
Please book a place for your child by via Arbor.

After School Care Prices

15:30-15:45 session interval £1.00
15:30-16:00 session interval £1.75
15:30-16:30 session interval £3.50
15:30-17:00 session interval £5.25
15:30-17:30 session interval £7.00
15:30-18:00 session interval £8.75

Special Activities

Children can participate in special activities in After School Care. Please see details below. Children do not have to participate in these activities, if they prefer, they can choose from a vast range of other activities on offer. 

MondaySewingMrs Bedford & Mrs Lowe3.15-4.15pmHall
TuesdayArt & CraftMrs Bedford & Mrs Lowe3.15-4.15pmHall
WednesdayCookeryMrs Bedford & Mrs Bolton3.15-4.45pmHall
ThursdayGames NightMrs Bedford & Mrs Lowe3.15-4.15pmHall
FridayCinema Club
(with juice and popcorn!)
Mrs Lowe & Mrs Stones3.15-5.15pmHall

Other Clubs and Activities

Children can participate in other clubs and activities throughout the year. Please see the table below for more detail. Clubs will be advertised on Class Dojo (our communication system) and booking will be available on Arbor when the sessions are being offered. Some may run for several weeks and some may be one off activities so keep an eye on Class Dojo for more information. 

DayLunch BreakAfter School
MondayOutdoor Play and Learning Activities (OPAL)

Team Sports

Home learning catchup
TuesdayOutdoor Play and Learning Activities (OPAL)

Team Sports

Home learning catchup
Multi Skills


Dungeons and Dragons
WednesdayOutdoor Play and Learning Activities (OPAL)

Home learning catchup
Seasonal Crafts/ Multicultural Crafts
ThursdayOutdoor Play and Learning Activities (OPAL)

Team Sports

Home learning catchup
KS2 Team Sports

Hula Hooping

FridayOutdoor Play and Learning Activities (OPAL)

Team Sports

Home learning catchup
KS2 Sports skills