Pupils – What you need to know

Thank you for coming to the school website to read what school will look like for you when you return in September.

We have designed this as a question and answer structure so you can hopefully find what you need quickly.

What class will I be in?

You will be in your usual class with your usual teacher and teaching assistant.

Who will teach me?

You will be taught by your class teacher or by your teaching assistant.

What will it be like in class?

It will be similar to what it was like before the first lockdown. You may be sat in rows or groups. You may  still have your own box of equipment (pens and pencils etc) but there will also be other resources that you can share and take turns with. You will be expected to wear school uniform but can come to school in PE kit on PE days (except Reception or year 1).

Will I still have separate breaks?

Reception and Key Stage 1 classes will have their breaks together and Key Stage 2 classes will have their breaks together. There will be more class playing together over lunchtime. Your teacher or lunchtime supervisor will remind you of where you are meant to be.

What will happen at lunch?

School meals will be eaten in the school hall. Staff will help you get your lunch and find a seat. You will only be able to sit with members of your own class for the time being. Younger pupils will not be expected to clear their own tray but older pupils might as they understand how to keep themselves safe. As we need to keep movement around the hall to as little as possible your lunchtime supervisors will let you know what it is you are expected to do. When all of your class are finished lunch you will then be able to play outside. You will be reminded to wash your hands before and after lunch.

Can I go to the toilet?

Yes, of course. You will need to keep to the right side of the corridor when moving between the classroom and the toilets. (There are arrows on the floor to remind you).

Remember to continue to try to keep a safe distance between yourself and others. Remember to always thoroughly wash your hands.

How do we enter school?

You are able to come to school between 8:45 and 9:00 am. You will come into school through the main entrance and will walk around the building to the rear playground. Parents have this information on their part of the website. Come into the gate on your own (parents will stay outside of the school gate). You may need to wait to enter school but there will be plenty of teachers around to help you. You will need to use hand sanitiser before you go into school, staff members will be there to help you.

How do we leave school?

If you are in Year 6 or Year 5, and your parents give permission, you will be able to walk home.

YR children will be collected from the door in their classroom. Everyone else will be taken onto the playground by their teacher or teaching assistant when it is your time to leave. Parents will be waiting there for you. When it is safe you will be allowed to walk to meet your parents and then you will leave by the car park gate.

What if I am poorly?

If you are poorly at home with a temperature or new dry continuous cough or loss of taste or smell you must stay at home for 10 days or until you have a test and it tells us that you don’t have coronavirus.

If you feel unwell like this in school, we will look after you in the summer house until someone can collect you.

Do I need to wear a face-covering?

No. Teachers and other adults do not need to wear a face-covering when in the corridors and the hall, although some might choose to, but children do not.

What if I need first aid?

Mrs Tully and Mrs Stones are our First Aiders. If you feel poorly or have hurt yourself, they will see to you. They may need to wear a clear plastic visor over their face – this is to keep you safe. If you have a scratch and need a plaster, then you will be supervised to clean this yourself and to put a plaster in it.

What should I bring to school?

Nothing except your reading book, packed lunch, if you are having one, and a water bottle. You will need a coat (we will be going outside at any opportunity). Do not bring phones, bags, stationery, PE kit etc. there is no space to store things at present.

What lessons will we do?

Teachers have planned a full curriculum for you to enjoy and learn. They will help you to ‘catch up’ with things that you might have missed or forgotten.

Are we still doing lots of handwashing?

Yes, this is similar to before. You will have tissues available in class, access to hand sanitiser, hand wash wipes and also be doing a lot of hand washing. As well as sinks in the toilets we have 2 hand sanitiser units on the playground and the sinks in the classrooms can also be used. It is important to stick to the 20 second rule we had before to make sure our hands are really clean. If you need to cough or sneeze you have tissues on your desk and if not cough or sneeze into your elbow. There will be a special bin in the classroom just for dirty tissues.

What do I do if I hear the fire alarm?

If you hear the fire alarm, it means there could be a fire or it is a fire drill. If this happened, you would do exactly the same as we have done so many times before and go outside through the nearest exit and line up with your group on the yard. When we come back into school we will make sure one class is safely back in class before another class follows them into school to try and keep everyone apart. We will practice this in the first few weeks back at school.

How can I help keep my class clean and tidy?

You will be given a tray to keep all of your equipment in and a box to keep all of your pens and pencils together. You can help by keeping all of the equipment tidy on your own desk and not drop things on the floor or leave things on other people’s desks. You will notice that our cleaner Ms Gibson will be cleaning at lunchtimes too to help to keep everyone safe.

If you have any other questions or think we have missed something out, please email the school using this link or check out Class Dojo as your new teachers will be putting information on there.