Head Teachers Full Message

We welcome you to Toft Hill Primary School Website

It is my absolute pleasure and privilege to be the Headteacher of this warm welcoming primary school! We are very much a part of the village of Toft Hill and we value and are proud to be a part of our local community. We currently have 180 pupils, which officially means we are smaller than average, but we believe we are the perfect size.

Our excellent team of staff take the time and care to get to know the children and their families so that we can all work together to achieve the best we can for our pupils. The members of our ‘Toft Hill’ are caring and supportive of each other; we believe in each other and encourage others to have self-belief too. Together we aspire to be the best version of ourselves that we can. There is a great friendly, community feel in our school where effective learning is embedded. We strive for high engagement and inclusive learning and activities for all.

Our school moto is: Caring, believing and aspiring together.

Our philosophy for education is to encourage and develop children’s abilities and talents so that each child grows into a confident, independent individual. We want our pupils to develop the ability to think and reason and to understand how our mindset can help us to be successful. We have high expectations for every individual and we encourage respect and a sense of pride. Please also view our school’s complete mission statement here.

British Values form an important part of our school ethos. Please view our British values statement in the curriculum section of our website.

For prospective parents we hope this website and our school brochure will give you an insight into our school.

For current parents there are useful contact details and school policies available to download.

If any parent would like a paper copy of any document on the website, please contact the school office.

If you would like to let us know what you think about school then you can do so on the Parent View website.

Mrs Leanne Nesbitt
Head Teacher