Through the ‘Sport Premium’ the Government is providing additional funding to support and improve the delivery of PE and sport in primary schools.
This funding is ring fenced, and is allocated directly to primary schools across England, providing them with a dedicated resource to buy in invaluable expertise and support. Primary schools can determine what they believe to be the most appropriate use of this funding.
The funding formula for schools is based on the numbearer of primary aged children on roll. The sport premium is used to increase the quality & breadth of PE & Sport provision, and increase participation in PE & Sport.
At Toft Hill Primary we aim to ensure:
- All pupils have access to high quality PE lessons to develop fitness, stamina, health and well-being
- Pupils have the opportunity to participate in sport beyond the curriculum
- Our curriculum offers opportunities for pupils to develop the knowledge and understanding of what makes a healthy lifestyle
- We forge links with the local community to enrich the PE provision within school
- All pupils have the opportunity to take part in festivals and competitions
- Children enjoy sport and physical activity
- Children know and apply skills across the disciplines in sport, and can swim at least 25 metres by Year 6
High quality PE
We have a wide range of sporting activities at Toft Hill Primary School to enhance and enrich our PE curriculum. Some of these are funded through the use of the Sport’s Premium and others are funded from school funds.
- All pupils have PE lessons in school. These cover the whole range of the subject – movement, fitness, gymnastics, dance, games, athletics, swimming
- Swimming takes place in Year 5. Catch-up sessions take place for Year 6 pupils in the autumn term
- Pupils in KS2 have the opportunity to visit Lockerbie Manor in Year 6 for OAA and adventurous activities
- After-school clubs take place throughout the year with coaches for a variety of sports and activities e.g. dodge ball
- We have additional specialist coaches, to support class teachers in the delivery of the curriculum
- We enter competitions and festivals that take place throughout the year. These include: tag rugby, basketball, dance, athletics, cricket, netball
- We have a fundamental movement programme in place to enhance early movement and support pupils in Reception class, and beyond, with development movement
- We ensure that our PE curriculum is appropriately resourced
We take part in local competitions, such as the Central Venue League for football, inter-school games and intra- schools competitions
PE Kit
Pupils are expected to wear PE kit for their PE lessons. All jewellery and watches should be removed for reasons of safety. PE kit consists of a white t-shirt and black shorts.
For Indoor PE/Dance:
- Shorts and T-Shirt
- Plimsolls/GYM Shoes/Bare Feed
For Games/Outdoor PE:
Shorts and T-Shirt
- Tracksuit/Sweatshirt in colder weather (optional)
- Trainers (Must be a change from normal day wear)