At Toft Hill Primary School, we want to give children the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that they need to effectively navigate the complexities of life in the 21st Century. Our PSHE and RSHE curriculums are interlinked. They cover key areas which will support children to make informed choices now and in the future around their health, safety, wellbeing, relationships, and financial matters and will support them in becoming confident individuals and active members of society.
We have used Kapow Primary’s RSE/PSHE scheme of work which covers the Relationships and Health Education statutory guidance (as set out by the Department for Education), although we have not included, the non-statutory, sex education. The scheme also covers wider PSHE learning, in line with the requirement of the National curriculum (2014) that schools ‘should make provision for personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE).’ We have adapted some elements to best suit the needs of the children in our school and our community. The curriculum also reflects and incorporates the PSHE Association’s Programme of Study, which is recommended by the DfE.
Our curriculum considers the Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) development of our children and also promotes the four fundamental British Values which reflect life in modern Britain: democracy; rule of law; respect and tolerance and individual liberty.
The curriculum supports the requirements of the Equality Act through direct teaching, for example; learning about different families, the negative effect of stereotypes and celebrating differences, in addition to the inclusion of diverse teaching resources throughout the lessons.
Our PSHE and RSHE curriculum also helps us to carry out our duty of care with regards to safeguarding by ensuring that our children are taught about safeguarding, keeping themselves safe, including online safety. It also explores how our children can hep to keep others safe too.
Our curriculum uses the Kapow Primary scheme approach that consists of five areas of learning:
Each area is revisited every year to allow children to build on prior learning. The lessons also provide a progressive programme. A range of teaching and learning activities are used to ensure that all children can access learning and make progress. In each year group, an introductory lesson provides the opportunity for children and teachers to negotiate ground rules for the lessons. These introductory lessons can then be referred to throughout the year to help create a safe environment for high quality discussions. Many lessons provide the opportunity for children to engage in real life and current topics in a safe and structured way. There are meaningful opportunities for cross-curricular learning, in particular with Computing for online safety and Science for growing, nutrition, teeth, diet and lifestyle. There are consistent messages throughout to reassure children of how to access help if it is needed with ‘trusted adults’ referred to throughout. Ongoing communication with parents, through our Class Dojo platform, enhances teaching and learning and reinforces key messages, particularly those relating to keeping children safe.
PHSE and RSHE Whole School Curriculum Overview
PSHE & RSHE Whole School Learning Journey
Year 1 PHSE and RSHE Curriculum Intent
Year 2 PHSE and RSHE Curriculum Intent
Year 3 PHSE and RSHE Curriculum Intent
Year 4 PHSE and RSHE Curriculum Intent
Year 5 PHSE and RSHE Curriculum Intent