Teaching & The Curriculum

Our approach to teaching children with SEN

Inclusive education means supporting all pupils to learn, contribute and participate in all aspects of school life alongside their peers. Our curriculum includes, not only the formal requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum / National Curriculum, but also a range of additional opportunities to enrich the experiences of all pupils.

The Curriculum also included the social aspects that are essential for lifelong learning, personal growth and development of independence. At Toft Hill primary School, we pride ourselves on ensuring that our curriculum is well adapted but remains ambitious for all our pupils with SEND.

Our Curriculum

‘The school’s curriculum is outstanding because of the many exciting and inspirational activities that enable pupils to learn exceptionally well. The curriculum promotes a deep level of enjoyment.’ OFSTED 2014

The curriculum is all the planned activities that the school organises in order to promote learning, personal growth and development. The aim of our curriculum is to encourage pupils to become competent, self-reliant learners, with the necessary knowledge and skills of the world about them. The curriculum is matched to the needs of all pupils and differentiated according to need and ability. In order to achieve this, the school places great value on the traditional skills of Literacy and Numeracy as well as expertise in the fields of Science, ICT, Humanities, Arts and Physical Education. The school curriculum includes all the elements of National Curriculum and statutory Religious Education, but also includes environmental education, citizenship and other cross curricular themes. The curriculum underpins the developments of children spiritually, morally, socially and culturally (known as SMSC).

Reception class

 In the Early Years Foundation Stage, learning is delivered through structured play. There is a balance between child-initiated learning and adult-led tasks based on the Early Years Curriculum, covering the prime areas of learning;

  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • Physical development
  • Communication and Language

It also covers the specific areas;

  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding of the World
  • Expressive Arts and Design

Areas of learning are set up in the Reception classroom along with an outdoor space. Staff rotate, interacting with the children, as well as leading specific tasks. The curriculum is developed around themes initiated by both the class teacher and following the interests of the children.

 Year 1 – 6

In Key Stage 1 and 2 the curriculum is designed to cover and develop a range of skills, knowledge and understanding in all subjects. Within each term there are opportunities for meaningful links between curriculum areas. In addition, some subject areas may be taught discreetly. All areas of the National Curriculum are covered comprehensively in a broad and balanced way, giving pupils the chance to develop key skills as well as in depth subject knowledge. The National Curriculum is made up of the Core Subjects and the Foundation Subjects.

Core Subjects: Literacy, Mathematics, Science, Religious Education 

Foundation subjects :  Art and Design, Design Technology, Geography, History, Computing, Music, Physical Education, MFL – French (KS2)

Additional subject – PHSCE (Learning for Life) 

All pupils follow the National Curriculum at a level and a pace that is appropriate to their abilities. See SEND Policy. Our SEND philosophy places SEND children at the heart of personalised learning and our curriculum is tailored to meet individual pupils needs.  At times and when it is felt appropriate, modifications to the curriculum may be implemented. 

Staff are committed to providing children with the support that they require to enable them to succeed and make progress in everything that they do. However, encouraging children to be independent in both their learning and life is at the centre of our approach to teaching and learning.

For more information on our school curriculum, please visit the Curriculum section of this website.

How we adapt the curriculum and learning environment for children & young people with SEN

We adapt the curriculum and learning environment for pupils with SEN:

To successfully match pupil ability to the curriculum, Toft Hill Primary School is committed to:

  • A range of teaching and learning styles, included within the quality teaching children receive in their class.
  • Differentiated learning materials and activities
  • Access to ICT and Technology.
  • Additional support in class
  • Additional out of class support, including interventions
  • Flexible groupings – including small group support work.
  • An innovative and supportive curriculum.
  • The appropriate use of rewards and sanctions.
  • Assessment procedures that emphasise pupils’ strengths and achievements, and targets that are personalised for pupils with SEND
  • Applications during national testing at Key Stage 1, Key Stage 2 and Year 1 phonics testing to obtain access arrangements and additional time as appropriate.
  • Access to specialist advice and guidance through referral process, which can include specialist provision
  • Inclusion in many enrichment and enjoyment activities eg. Visitor workshops, trips etc


More details on how we adapt information, our environment and curriculum can be found in the Accessibility Plan which you can find in the [School Policies] section of our website.