SEMH Support

Support for Social, Emotional & Mental Health difficulties

At Toft Hill Primary School we are committed to ensuring that children have a high level of support for their personal and social development. The thoughts and feelings of the children in our school are of paramount importance to us. We take the time and opportunity to listen to children and parents about any additional support that they may need. When it is felt that additional support or intervention is necessary to support a child’s social or emotional development then we can offer:

  • A school with caring and dedicated staff.
  • A curriculum and school ethos that has children’s social and emotional well-being at the heart of it.
  • The use of Gem Powers to develop children’s resilience and independence.
  • A designated member of staff to liaise with the family to provide the support available to help to meet the child’s needs or signpost them to somebody who may be able to help.
  • Two members of staff trained in ‘Drawing and Talking Therapy’ and timetabled sessions for support.
  • Two members of staff trained in ‘Talkabout’, a Social Communication and Interaction Intervention
  • A member of staff trained to deliver ‘Relax Kids’ therapeutic intervention
  • Anxiety Support groups
  • Anger Support groups
  • Getting Along/ Friendship Interventions
  • Access to a counselling service for high levels of need.
  • Close liaison with external services where referrals for specialist advice can be made.
  • Staff who are keen to research and act upon the suggestions from other professionals.
  • The opportunity for children to select a member of staff as a key person to go to as and when necessary.
  • Assembly themes that focus on social and emotional well-being of all, including visiting speakers and production companies to cover themes such as Anti-bullying.
  • Opportunities to participate in drama as a media for exploring social and emotional issues.
  • Participating in National Events such as Anti – bullying week and follow up activities to ensure that we have an anti-bullying culture in school.
  • A behaviour system which embraces a restorative approach and a reward system that encourages children to be kind, caring and considerate to others.